AI Finding Logical Fallacies

New test showing how AI can detect logical fallacies

There is a new test how new LLMs: Gemma2, Qwen2 and Mistral Nemo - do in logical fallacy Detection, comparing with 10+ other models

New gemma2 and qwen2 are good, but in their test phi3 showed the best result/

See for details how and what was tested

Here is the table with the test results

LLM test results
Table with logical fallacy test results of various LLMS

They expected LLMs to find in sample text the Strawman fallacy, Ad Hominem, Appeal to authority and Oversimplification. The text was from some journalist article about politics.

Most new models can see in our sample text Appeal to Authority, and some see Ad Hominem, some Oversimplification. Good results showed qwen2:7b-instruct-q8_0 and gemma2:9b-instruct-q8_0.

But still, winers remain the same.

  • phi3:14b-medium-4k-instruct-q6_K
  • phi3:3.8b-mini-4k-instruct-q8_0

and only then go qwen2:7b-instruct-q8_0 and gemma2:9b-instruct-q8_0

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